Holidays. Part Three
Finally some decent weather for our time off work!! No it wasn't super hot, but at least it wasn't pouring rain!
I recently talked to a friend about how we had never been to the Chilliwack Corn Maze and she said we just had to go, that it was so much fun for the kids. She was so right. What a neat place! The actual corn maze is just part of the fun there.
I think the huge bouncy pillow thing may have been the kids favourite. I got some pretty good midair shots of the both of them! Adam got one of me as well! It's pretty rare that I appear in the family activity photos. I'm sure years down the road it will be pretty funny to look through all of our adventures and I will appear to never have been there ;)
The corn maze was super fun, and pretty tricky! We spent quite a bit of time in there, and a few times I was pretty tempted to cheat and just go through the corn stalks. Eventually we made it though, and just in time, because Jaeden was starting to complain about being tired. Any longer and we may have been forced to carry or drag him the remainder of the way!
I think Adam's favourite part might have been the sand digger. He definitely spent more time on it than either of the boys. Such a kid at heart! I love it!! :)